Sunday, January 24, 2010

Starting up.

I have always wanted to start blogging about some of my experiences, particularly with raising my son with autism. I like to write but I never know quite where to start. I think it is that perfectionist in me staring a blank page and thinking about how to make it just so. Then I tuck it away for another time because there is nothing to say and everything to say. Also, I have looked back at previous journals I have written and have felt ashamed. Was I truly that ignorant? The worst part was that I thought I knew everything. I had all the answers. But I know that is a part of the process of life and developmentally typical for a 20-something. At least now I realize that I am constantly growing. These are just my opinions. The opinions of a 34 year old mom who has a lot to learn. Shared with whomever wants to read. *gulp*

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