Friday, August 13, 2010

School is almost here. Kindergarten.

I got caught up in life recently. And the truth is, I didn't know what to blog about again.

Ben is going to start Kindergarten in a couple weeks. It's big and it's no big deal, at the same time. I generally try not to over-think things like this. But it's certainly not lost on me that every other 5 year old that I know is gearing up to go to our neighborhood school.

Literally, the school is in our neighborhood- the neighborhood that on that fateful day in Dec 2004 I brought a tiny 7lb perfectly healthy newborn home from the hospital. Then we did the playgroups and picnics and the birthday parties. We even tried the preschool that Ben's older sister and brother attended. I don't have to tell you how that ended, but I will share that it was a painful few years watching those babies and toddlers fly by him. And then watching kids years his junior pass him.

I'd like to say I'm over it, but of course, I'm no where near over it. The pain doesn't really diminish, it just changes. Now it is hard to even imagine how things should have been- what it would feel like if Ben were going to that school and we were sitting by the mailbox to find out who his teacher will be and how many classmates we know. And he'd be talking. And I'd still be talking to those other parents about all-things-kindergarten. Hard to envision because that is so far from the reality? Anyway, thinking about the should-have-beens is not all that productive.

So I will vow to live in the present as best as I can. I like the school that he will be attending. I am looking forward to a good experience and positive changes that I see happening with this transition. I will drop off my "big kids" at the neighborhood school and I will focus on them and their teachers and classmates. But I will not be stealing a glance down the kindergarten hall. And no, I don't want to hear how upset you are about how your kid didn't win the teacher lottery or didn't get to be classmates with his best friend. Think about it.